Islay Engraved - About

Islay Engraved is a small family business based on Islay, an island on the west coast of Scotland. Whisky maniacs know this place very well, so do bird watchers. It all started in December 2019, when we got our small laser engraver. It was first used as a hobby just to check how it works and to make a few home projects. Time passed, after countless failures and hundreds of hours spent playing with lasers (very cool!), we’re getting pretty good results, so we thought it’s time to share our passion with you. Most of our products are designed for Single Malt Whisky enthusiasts, but we are continuously working on new projects, so make sure to like our Facebook Page to get the latest updates.

If you wish to get in touch with us, you can use the contact form or email

Michal & Monika